About a year ago, Lady Gaga and Polaroid announced a partnership in which the duo would introduce a new creation. Gaga said, “The Haus of Gaga has been developing prototypes in the vein of fashion /technology /photography innovation —blending the iconic history of Polaroid and instant film with the digital era – and we are excited to collaborate on these ventures with the Polaroid brand.â€
Now, on January 6th, Polaroid Grey Label will be revealed. The announcement on Polaroid’s website reads:
“A year in the making, Polaroid Grey Label is a collaboration between two of the most influential icons of our time. Polaroid and Lady Gaga. Join us at Polaroid.com as we reveal the next generation instant experience. Live from CES in Las Vegas. January 6th, 2011 at 3:30pm PST.”
Let the countdown begin!!