Face it…we’ve all been played one time or another! And sometimes it’ll be right in front of our face but we choose to ignore the signs. It’s about to be a whole new year so my suggestion is check out the signs after the jump, reevaluate your situation and start 2011 off fresh!! No dead weight!!


1. They have Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter apps on their phone but tell you they don’t do social networking. Yea…those apps are just to fill up space right?

2. Those blocked calls with no one talking on the other end start coming in?? Oh yea..head for the hills. There is a side piece super tight out there somewhere.

3. They told you they were in the house last night…but this morning they’re all up in every picture on the party sites.

4. You meet their friend for the first time…and they tell you, “oh, we just met the other day when we did the group date…remember?” Oh word???

5. #AllNewEverything. Nails done, hair done, everything did? Out of nowhere…constantly…you might want to look into that!!

6. They never answer their phone when you’re with them. “Ugh my friend is callling me AGAIN. They’re so annoying!”…”Just pick up and tell them you’ll call them back!”…”Nah babe i’ll just talk to them later it’s fine.” Riiight

7. They make up ridiculous reasons why they have to go somewhere without you coming along. I’ll never forget my cheating a** ex once told me I couldn’t go with him to the New Year’s Eve parties because people won’t know me and might jump me. WTF? People randomly jump people for fun all the time? Sounds really logical. LOL.

8. They suddenly hate going to local restaraunts. “Too many people we know there!!” Oh so you’re Oprah now and everyone is just going to bother you so much all night you won’t even be able to eat right? Oh aight cool.

9. They get texts in the middle of the night. Who is texting you at this hour?? It’s not your boss…not your parents…your friends know what time you go to bed…so…hmmm.

10. They’re going away for the weekend on a “business trip”……………..and they work at the mall. ::blank stare::

Don’t get played!! Drop the dead weight!!