Read this Post Before you even think about going to the Movies this Weekend!!!! Merry Xmas!!!!!!!


Gulliver’s Travels”

This is Probably Gonna Be A Gigantic Hit!!! If Your Going to the Movies This Xmas, and its not a date, or you got the babies with you, Check this one out, you won’t Waste your money, Jack Black Usually delivers!!!!
Lemuel Gulliver is a mailroom clerk at a New York newspaper. After Gulliver bluffs his way into an assignment writing about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, he is hurtled to an undiscovered land, Lilliput. In this fantastical new world, Gulliver is a bigger-than-life figure — in size and ego — especially after he starts telling tall tales, taking credit for his world’s greatest inventions, and placing himself at the center of its most historic events. Gulliver’s position is enhanced even further when he leads his new friends in a daring battle against their longtime enemies. But when Gulliver loses it all and puts the Lilliputians in peril, he must find a way to undo the damage. Gulliver only becomes a true giant among men when he learns that it¿s how big you are on the inside that counts. 1Hr 25Min

“True Grit”

I Don’t know if you ever saw the original to this but it was with John Wayne, and from what I can see Jeff Bridges is blowing that performance Away, This 2010 “True Grit” is of coarse more violent, and closer to how life was in that time period, if the bootleg is clean, I’m all over it!!!
Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross’s father has been shot in cold blood by the coward Tom Chaney, and she is determined to bring him to justice. Enlisting the help of a trigger-happy, drunken U.S. Marshal Rooster Cogburn, she sets out with him — over his objections — to hunt down Chaney. Her father’s blood demands that she pursue the criminal into Indian territory and find him before a Texas Ranger named LeBoeuf catches him and brings him back to Texas for the murder of another man 1Hr 50Min

“Little Fockers”

I knew this was gonna be funny, but Don’t take my word for it, here is what Brand New IFWT Sneek Peek Movie Correspondent @Jazzyvadney


Little Fockers definitely continues the Meet the Fockers legacy of hilarity. I know I’m not the only one who remembers laughing at Ben Stiller’s character, Gaylord Martha Focker and his many eff-ups. If you don’t have any idea what these movies are about, just think back to the first major fumble you had in front of your girls parents, and then multiply that by 10! Barbara Streisand earned herself MILF/Cougar status in this flick. Never seen a hotter elderly sexpert ::nowaka:: ::nohomo:: I found myself annoyed however with the many avoidable debacles this dude found himself in. The fiance/husband in distress theme has run its course. At best, it’s a good date flick. The one liner award goes to one of the little Fockers, and I quote: “Can girls poop through their vaginas”? If I had to rate it, I’d give it 3 ½ out of 5 stars. 1Hr 38mins @Jazzyvadney

Don’t Forget Last Weeks Picks are still in the Theaters!!