Looking for a heads up on what’s coming down the pipe from Maranello? All you have to do is listen carefully to what Luca di Montezemolo has to say.


The affable Ferrari chief has a penchant for leaking information on upcoming models before they arrive. This time, he is promising “a very different new Ferrari.”

Different how? In speaking with French sports publication L’Equipe, Montezemolo declared, “You will discover at the Geneva Motor Show a very different new Ferrari that proves that we adapt as the world changes.” Interesting. And while we won’t know for certain what form that proof will take, the Marquis seems to be hinting at something with a reduced environmental impact.

At the Paris Motor Show earlier this year, Ferrari unveiled a California with the HELE system – incorporating stop-start ignition, intelligent engine cooling, variable air-con and adaptive shift algorithms – and it showed the 599 HY-KERS hybrid prototype in Geneva last March. Will the next Swiss salon hold another green showcar for us, or will the Prancing Horse marque gallop its environmental obligations into something for production?