Bernie Madoff’s wife blames her husband’s Ponzi scheme for their son’s suicide, according to biographer Jerry Oppenheimer.


Ruth Madoff is, “totally disgusted with [Bernie] and blames him for her son’s death,” Oppenheimer tells the New York Post. “She thinks this is the end of the family.”

Oppenheimer also says, “family members don’t think [Bernie’s] going to survive this.”

The Post is also reporting that Bernie Madoff may not be allowed to attend his son’s funeral. “If Madoff is granted permission,” The Post writes, “he’d be escorted by federal marshals, paid for by his family.”

Mark Madoff, who was found dead in his Manhattan apartment on Saturday, had not spoken to his mother or father for two years. The Madoff son hanged himself in his apartment while his two year old was in the other room. It is reported that he was struggling to find work and pay bills prior to his death.