Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

Jamie McCourt is entitled to an ownership share in the Los Angeles Dodgers, a judge ruled Tuesday in throwing out a 2004 agreement with husband Frank McCourt that designated him as sole owner of the franchise.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon ruled in favor of Jamie McCourt after a contentious proceeding, but the decision hardly cleared up the big picture for the Dodgers. The ruling isn’t expected to immediately impact the day-to-day operations of the team, the Los Angeles Times reports, and Frank McCourt is widely expected to continue fighting through legal channels.

Settlement talks between the two parties — an endeavor encourage by commissioner Bud Selig — have failed to reach a resolution. More talks are possible after the latest ruling.

“We are very pleased that the property agreement has been invalidated,” Jamie’s lawyer Dennis Wasser said in a statement. “We hope that it is possible to resolve this matter in a reasonable matter. The Dodgers are a valuable civic asset and Los Angeles fans deserve stability in the front office and a winning team on the field.”

Frank’s lawyer Marc Seltzer countered with a much lengthier statement that essentially argues Tuesday’s ruling doesn’t change anything. It read:

Frank McCourt is the sole owner of the Dodgers. Any media reports to the contrary are just wrong. This ruling does nothing to change the ownership of the Dodgers. Even without the marital property agreements in place, Jamie has no rights to the team.

Without the agreements in place, it becomes the Court’s job to determine which property is Frank’s and which is Jamie’s based on who holds legal title to the team. The facts are crystal clear on this point. The Dodgers are solely in Frank’s name.

For Frank, today’s decision means more time at the court house. Nothing changes in terms of the ownership, management, control or the day-to-day business operation of the Dodgers. That’s all firmly in Frank McCourt’s hands.

We are very confident there will be no changes to the ownership of the Dodgers. We look forward to getting back in front of the Court as soon as possible so there can finally be closure in this case.

I think you’ll see that today’s tentative ruling does nothing to change ownership of the Dodgers. The Court expressly said at the start of its tentative ruling. To quote the tentative ruling: “The Court explicitly does not make any findings with regard to the characterization of the parties’ property or interest in any property within this Statement of Decision.”

Under Frank’s leadership, the team has had a productive offseason.

Here’s what fans can expect from Frank McCourt: a highly competitive team under new Manager Don Mattingly’s leadership, the best baseball experience in the world at Chavez Ravine and a continued commitment to making a real and lasting impact in the community.

By Marc Lancaster

MLB Writer & Editor