Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

A little after breakfast on Monday morning, George Steinbrenner might not be remembered only as The Boss, he could be known as a Hall of Famer.

At 10 a.m., the Expansion Era Committee will announce whether Steinbrenner has been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame or not. There are 11 others up for induction as well; among them is the man Steinbrenner hired and fired five times, Billy Martin.

The 16-member committee that has decided on Steinbrenner’s fate includes seven Hall of Fame players (no Yankees), one manager (Whitey Herzog), four major league executives and four media members. To gain entrance, Steinbrenner needs to have picked up 12 votes.

Steinbrenner, who died in July at 80 years of age, led the Yankees to seven world championships and 11 pennants. Since the time he bought the Yankees in 1973 for around $10 million, the franchise has become arguably the most valuable asset in American sports. Some analysts believe it is worth more than a billion dollars.

He also started the YES Network, which is an offshoot of the Yankees, and is thought be worth even more than the team.

Besides having an intimidating, bombastic personality that made him very unpopular in the 1980s, Steinbrenner was a convicted felon, having made illegal contributions to Richard Nixon’s 1972 presidential campaign. He was later pardoned by President Ronald Reagan in 1989. He also was suspended from baseball after becoming involved with a known gambler in an effort to dig up dirt on one of his own players, Dave Winfield.

If Steinbrenner is inducted, there is expected to be a teleconference with a member of his family to discuss the honor. The Hall of Fame induction will be July 24.

Andrew Marchand