Teen Mom star Amber Portwood, whose daughter Leah became of ward of the state this week in Indiana, apparently “threw a fit” because she couldn’t spend Thanksgiving with the two-year-old.

“Amber won’t be able to see Leah today and last night was throwing a fit about it and was cussing Gary out when it was the courts decision to permit Amber with only supervised visits,” a close source of Amber said on Thanksgiving. “She wanted Gary to bend the rules but he won’t.”

Read more after the jump…

Authorities have classified Leah as a CHINS — Child In Need Of Service — thus making Leah a ward of the state and placed in the care of her father, Gary Shirley. DCS presented its assessment to a family court judge Tuesday and the judge made the determination to place the child with Shirley, with monitored visitations for 20-year-old Amber.

To be reunited with Leah, Amber will be required to participate in programs that will enable her to show her desire and suitability to be reunited with Leah. Based on the progress of Portwood through these programs and the testimony from professionals involved with the programs, the judge will determine when and if she can be reunited with her daughter on a permanent basis. The 20-year-old mother of one was charged by police with felony domestic violence.
