Dr. Laura Schlessinger will debut a new, three-hour daily radio show on Sirius XM in January. In the wake of her N-word rant earlier this year, Schlessinger announced she would sign off from her current radio show on December 31. At the time, she claimed the move was designed to “regain [her] First Amendment rights.” Read more after the jump…
The AP report, which appears to have been published prematurely, says Schlessinger will begin on Sirius XM on January 3, just three days after signing off from terrestrial radio.
Schlessinger ignited controversy in August after using the N-word eleven times in five minutes with a black female caller. Following a firestorm, and an apology, Schlessinger announced on “Larry King Live” that she would end her radio show, citing a desire to free herself from concerns about affiliate radio stations and sponsors.
Much like Howard Stern before her, Schlessinger says that freedom of speech is what drew her to satellite radio.
“The first and most important thing that appealed to me was the freedom to speak my mind without advertisers and affiliates being attacked by activist groups that just love to censor anything they don’t agree with,” she told the Associated Press. “That just about made my heart and head explode.”
The terms of Schlessinger’s multi-year Sirius XM deal were not disclosed.