Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

The rocky relationship between Tennessee Titans coach Jeff Fisher and quarterback Vince Young just keeps getting rockier.

Jim Wyatt of the Tennessean reports that Young showed up to the team’s facility on Monday and was asked to leave by a team official. Young did leave without incident, but he was visibly upset, sources told Wyatt.

Titans coach Jeff Fisher hasn’t commented on this latest story, but on Monday he said he hadn’t talked to Young since Sunday, when the two got into it and Young stormed out of the locker room after the loss to the Redskins.

Young, who needs surgery for a thumb injury, will be placed on injured reserve and miss the rest of the season. Titans owner Bud Adams says that Young will be back in 2011, and that Young and Fisher are just going to have to get along.

But with every new story that comes out, it looks more and more like Fisher and Young simply can’t get along.

by Michael David Smith