Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

Mike Williams slid in the 2010 draft because of concerns about his off-field issues. But the fourth-round pick has been the Buccaneers’ best receiver this year and has appeared to be a draft steal.

On Thursday night, those off-field issues may have popped back up, as Williams was arrested for driving under the influence.According to the arrest report, Williams was found with a .065 and a .061 blood-alcohol level in a pair of tests — under the legal limit of 0.08 — after he was pulled over at 2:48 a.m. Friday morning. Williams posted $500 bond and was released Friday morning.

Williams was also given a urine test, the results of which have not yet come back. But if the urine test comes back with a similar result to the earlier two test, Williams could avoid any trouble. A call to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that there is no leeway for officer’s discretion, so Williams cannot be charged with DUI if the urine test does not register higher than the field tests he was given.

Williams quit the Syracuse football team last year after an early-morning traffic accident. He was also suspended in 2008 for academic issues. Those issues explained why he fell to the fourth round, even though he was considered a first- or second-round talent.

Up to this point the Buccaneers have been quite happy with the risk they took by selecting Williams. He quickly moved into the starting lineup and has given quarterback Josh Freeman a reliable big play threat. Williams’ 627 receiving yards leads all NFL rookies.

By J.J. Cooper