The customer didn’t make a whopping order, but that surely doesn’t excuse the rude receipt.

In total, he spent $9.22 on a Double Whopper with cheese, onion rings and a small drink in the outlet in Sacramento, California.

Perez told KCRA 3 TV: ‘I’m embarrassed. It’s humiliating.’

To make matters worse, when the red-faced Perez pointed out the profanity to the worker who gave it to him, he just laughed.

It must have been confusing, because Perez certainly wasn’t aware of any beef that the employee had with him.
Burger King HQ clearly agreed that the message was a flaming insult, because heads rolled without any further ado.

A spokesman said: ‘Burger King Corp and the franchisee that owns and operates this restaurant deeply regret that this incident occurred. The franchisee has taken immediate corrective action and both the manager and employee are being terminated. The franchisee will be reaching out to the guest directly.’