One of the four people missing for several days in Ohio has reportedly been found safe in the Mount Vernon area, as a neighbor says police have carried a body out of a nearby home. Sarah Maynard , 13, was found safe Sunday inside a home in Mount Vernon, WBNS-TV reported. Read more after the jump…

Fox News Reports that a neighbor said that authorities have made an arrest and taken a body bag out of a home about 10 miles from the house where Tina Hermann and her two children disappeared last week with a friend. Meanwhile, Sarah Maynard , 13, was found safe Sunday inside a home in Mount Vernon, WBNS-TV reported.

Jeannette Columber of Mount Vernon says she saw authorities bring the black bag and a handcuffed person wearing a hooded sweatshirt out of a home on her street on Sunday morning.

Knox County Sheriff’s Office personnel would not comment on the activity or say whether it is related to the case..

A manager from Hermann’s workplace went to her home Thursday to check on her after she failed to show up for work for two days in a row, and discovered blood in various parts of the home. The manager called the Knox County Sheriff’s Office and authorities began investigating the disappearance.

Hermann’s ex-boyfriend, who still shared a house with Hermann and her two children, said that he left for work early Wednesday and then spent the night at a friend’s house in Urbana, Ohio, WBNS reported.

Knox County Sheriff David Barber has scheduled a 2:00 p.m. ET press conference Sunday to update media on the case.

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