Looking over the probations terms set for Tip when he finishes his 11 month bid and ummm….they don’t seem too great! But hey, it’s better than house arrest and definitely better than jail so I guess he should take what he can get!

According to reports,  T.I. won’t be allowed to leave the Northern District of Georgia (ATL, Gainesville, Rome and Newnan) unless he can prove it’s for “verified employment within the United States.” But I mean…being a rapper is employment, right?

He’s also not allowed to leave that area for more than seven calendar days per month or for more than seven days in a row. No tours for you dude! He also can’t operate a vehicle, own any type of weapon (which I’d hope he wouldn’t after jail the last time!) and has to take random drug/alcohol tests and participate in a treatment program.

It’s quite a laundry list of guidelines but hopefully this will keep him on a straight path! HOPEFULLY!
