In an attempt to cut the UK’s rising rates of herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, British health officials say that sexually-transmitted infections will soon be able to be diagnosed by placing urine or saliva on a computer chip, plugging it into their cell phones or computers, and getting results within minutes.

Seven sources, including the Medical Research Council, have pumped more than $6 million into the UK Clinical Research Collaboration to fund the project, according to The Guardian.

“Your mobile phone can be your mobile doctor,” said Dr. Tariq Sadiq, a physician in sexual health and HIV at Saint George’s University of London, who is leading the project. “It diagnoses whether you’ve got one of a range of STIs, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, and tells you where to go next to get treatment.”

This is SO crazy! But I think this is such a major thing. Too many people are walking around with STD’s and unknowingly infecting others because they’re too scared or embarrassed to go to a doctor!! Hopefully this will encourage more people to get checked. In the meantime kiddos….WRAP IT UP!!!
