It’s always so great to hear about artists really using their money and influence for good! Akon has launched the Konfidence Foundation to “create a better future for the children of Africa.”

“It all strung from concept of creating a better future for the kids in Africa,” Akon said in a statement to “I started realizing as I was growing up and as I was coming up in this business, I allowed myself to be educated, period. And I think that was the moment where I became more of an entrepreneur; I understood what the essence of business was.”

Using money he earned from touring, Akon recently opened a school in Africa, his home country.

“You start to realize education really is the key,” Akon told AllHipHop. “You just got to allow yourself to absorb the information and properly use it. With that thought in mind, when we created the Konfidence Foundation, it was more so to find a platform to educate all these children so that they can have a better future with what’s left to develop in Africa. We built my first elementary school in Senegal, which is an incredible accomplishment because I did it with my own money, my tour money and did it myself.”

Up next, he plans to open up a college in the same city as well as building some hospitals, since he feels the 2 go hand in hand. 

“We feel like education doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t healthy,” Akon told “Between health and education those are the two key things to rebuild any country. We want to start with the kids because they have a lot more growing up to do and a lot more to give in order to create a future for ourselves.”

Wish you the best on these endeavors, Kon! What a great thing for the community!
