1. Little known requirement for popstardom: zero fear of heights.

2. Gaga imagines a world in which no one is allowed to wear pants.

3. The new queen of pop sports her most famous accessory, the hair bow.

4. Part Phantom of the Opera part protective neck brace, Gaga’s sartorial choices are baroque and practical.

5. Gaga’s philosophy visualized; if you’re not willing to bleed for your art you don’t deserve to make it.

6. Eminem tries to pretend this isn’t happening…

7. Gaga’s favorite Yeah Yeahs Yeahs album? “Show Your Bones.”

8. The least obnoxious disco ball in history.

9. Anyone still wondering if Gaga has a penis?

10. Every girl needs a great set of pearls!!

Lizzy Goodman for HP