At the UN just now, the U.S. delegation has walked out on remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the mention of allegations that the United States orchestrated the 9/11 attacks at the behest of Israel.
At the UN just now, the U.S. delegation has walked out on remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the mention of allegations that the United States orchestrated the 9/11 attacks at the behest of Israel.
What i wicked coincidence that when the iranian president metioned that the delegates walked out the last conference when that happened it was with the bush admin delegates and the middle east asked to stop racial profiling and the bush delegates walked out after they asked that and not even a week later the towers were knocked down now since then racial profiling has sky rocketed against muslims bush said it himself this is a holy war muslims v.s christians its not over oil or other resources just religions america is a christian country and with muslims migrating here in large numbers it wont stay that way so that is why the christian u.s government knocked down the towers to jump start racial pRofiling and discourage americans from the muslim religion that is why malcom x was killed becuase of his muslim influence think about it during malcoms reign look how much black americans he influenced and CONVERTED
maybe because Islam leads to totalitarianism making human beings unequal in the eye of the leaders if they do not follow the same faith. any religion that accepts and promotes rape,torture,or death…might not be something the rest of the world wants to accept